1. the Mattachine Steps (开头32分钟 片尾收到社工领养消息时出现)
地址: 2348 Cove Ave, Silver Lake, CA
简介: 位于Silver Lake的一段陡峭的石阶,上爬共有 163 级台阶,登上步道最高处能看到远处的好莱坞标志(Hollywood Sign)。马塔钦协会(Mattachine society)由Harry Hay于 1950 年创建,是美国最早成立的同志权利组织之一,当时他就住在石阶旁边的房子里。
2. 为什么叫Mattachine family
1) Thomas旁白,回忆老友们如何相识
I thought a lot about how we all find each other at exactly the right moment. How we complement each others' strength and weaknesses. In the 50s may be they would call us a society, shroulded in secrecy and in enuendo. But what we have isn't new, it's the oldest damn thing there is. Maybe someday there'll be a staircase named after us, and, the people who walk will know that once there was a group of people who call themselves a family.我常思索,我们遇见彼此是多么恰逢其时。我们如何互补彼此的长短。也许在 50 年代,他们会称我们为一个society,秘密而隐晦地存在着。但我们拥有的并不是什么新东西,而是最古老的东西。也许有一天,会有一个石阶以我们的名字命名,走过的人会知道,曾经有一群人,说他们几个是一家人。
2) Thomas片尾给Oscar的邮件
Oscar, you've been on my mind all day. Your show came on earlier. I heard your voice. Reaching out across the years. And your face...hmm...so strange even after all of these to remember that you used to be something else, to me, before you were mine. Life can be so unexpected. I sometimes think that the last thought to ever cross a person's mind must be "Who would've known". I never expected to marry you, Oscar, but it happened. And it changed my life. It changed my life for the better. Because it led my here, to this moment, where I tell you that I've got a baby. A daughter. Daughter...hmm..I feel so bitter sweet to say that word. I know you'll have questions, and someday I will be ready to answer them. But, for now, just know that her name is Eve, Evie. Know that someday I will tell her all about this time. And the whole world fell apart, and somehow made something so beautiful and unexpected. I'll tell her what it meant to call you my husband, it happened to be true; what it meant to call myself her dad, it happened to be true. I'll try to explain to her the power in these words: so simple, ordinary, but fought for, fiercely. I'll try to explain all of these things. There is already a word, so perfect and simple, that encompasses all of these-FAMILY.
Oscar,我整天都在想你。 你的节目早些时候播出了。 我听到了你的声音,穿越了岁月。还有你的脸庞......感觉好奇怪,哪怕经历了这么多,想起你在属于我之前,对我来说是另一个人。生活总是不可预测。有时我想,一个人脑海中最后闪过的念头一定是 "谁会知道"。我从没想过能跟你结婚,Oscar, 但我们结婚了。 这改变了我的生活。 让我的生活变得更好。它引领我来到了这里,来到了此刻,能跟你说,我有了一个宝宝, 一个女儿……说出这个词的时候我真的感觉百感交集。我知道你有很多问题,某一天,我会准备好回答它们。但现在,你只需知道她叫伊芙。知道有一天我会告诉她这段时间发生的一切。整个世界分崩离析,却无意间创造了如此美好又意想不到的惊喜。 我会告诉她,我叫你丈夫的意义,这意义是如此真切;我作为她爸爸的意义,同样是如此真切。我会试着向她解释这些词的力量:如此简单、平凡,但是用激烈的斗争换来的。我会尝试解释这一切。有个词,如此完美和简单,涵盖了所有这一切--"家人"。